CIL Staff Toolkit

In this toolkit, you will find:

  • Training materials we used to teach CIL staff members and people with disabilities how to use this website and also how to follow the HAIL problem-solving steps to set goals and watch your progress.
  • Checklists, worksheets, and forms that we developed to help you use the HAIL website and follow the HAIL problem-solving steps. 
  • Surveys and questionnaires from reliable sources to measure how you are feeling, and track progress.
  • Forms, logs, or other materials you might use to keep track of your progress.

We hope you will also feel free to develop your own worksheets, checklists, or other tools that best meet your needs, and that you will share them with us.  We want this Toolkit to be a space where people using the HAIL process can share what is working for them.

You can share your ideas or tools by emailing us via

HAIL Main Toolkit

1. HAIL Training Module 1: HAIL Introduction (PPTX)

2. HAIL Training Module 2: HAIL Process (PPTX)

3. HAIL Training Module 3: HAIL Website (PPTX)

4. HAIL Training Module 4: HAIL Practice (PPTX)

5. HAIL Training Module 5: HAIL Research (PPTX)

6. HAIL Consumer Skills Checklist (PDF)

7. HAIL Finding Resources Checklist (PDF)

8. HAIL Short-Term SMART Goal Worksheet (DOCX) 

9. HAIL Short-Term SMART Goal Tracking Form (DOCX)

10. HAIL Overview Fact Sheet (PDF)

Consumer Skills Toolkit

1. HAIL Project Medication List

2. HAIL Project Questions to Ask about Your Health Coverage (DOCX)

3. Questions to Ask Your Doctor

4. Organizing Your Medical Records

Secondary Conditions Toolkit

1. HAIL Project Pain Log (DOCX)

2. Wong-Baker​ Faces Pain Scale (Wong-Baker)

3.. Energy Diary for MS (PDF) 

4. HAIL Project Exercise Log

5. ZUNG Self-Rating Depression Scale